I haven't finished the crochet vest. I just can't seem to make myself finish it. Maybe when the weather calms down I'll be able to concentrate on it again.
Yesterday it had dried up enough that we could move some of the cattle around. We had a couple of calves that needed to be worked, and we wanted to return some of the mamas to the home farm. Things went well, and we were able to get it all done in a few hours. It's a good thing we finished, too, because I woke up to rain again this morning.
I have been crocheting, but it's been mindless crochet. The kind that you can stop and start again without trouble when they have one of those severe weather warnings on TV every few minutes. An entire evening of those warnings can really make you a nervous wreck. The crochet is necessary during those times, or all I would be able to do is pace the floor until the bad weather passes.
I don't have any pictures of crochet, so I'll show you some farm shots instead.
This is some of the cows coming to see if they can talk me out of any food.
This is the wheat field that we baled for hay.
The sky looks so peaceful and blue in the pics.
The farm looks wonderful, a lot of work, but wonderful.
It's been a very weird Spring weather-wise for us too.
I really hope things calm down for "tornado alley" soon. Nothing makes me more glad to have left Kansas than spring weather like this!
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